Wednesday, December 31, 2008
las day..
las day of the year 2008!!!!!!
selamat tahun baru maal hijrah dulu..huhuhuhu...
ade bende best..
ade xbes....
tinggal kan college life yg sgt best menjuta...
tinggalkan kawan2 n papa am yg best menggile...
felda yg gile tetibe datang demand tinggi menjuta....
a level yg studynye best....
finally..result yg xbes....hohohoho...
stuck..still in the middle of nowhere....jalan broga? huh??
saye dpt very mery supportive family..fwens..owh..saye shentakan sume rakan2....muahmuahmuah....
saye xpat fly...
tp saye pat life yg best....
uni life....
new fwens..
new evt....
new xde yg seHOT papa am..hehehehe....
new life....
im gonna miss 2008....
lots of happiness..
lots of tears..
frens...i luv them!!!!
learn a lot of things in 2008...
learn the real life...
yup...second chance is very and extremely hard to get...
appreciate what we have now...
i love my family more..and more...
i miss my frens more and more...
i appreciate life everyday..but not all..
learn to hate felda people to..
now..diverse frens in it! love it!
coming tomorrow!!!
pray for the best!
better than 2008!!
and more better fo the next year and forever!!!
hepi new year rakan2!!!!!!!!
new year =
good muslim
love god more and more
result gempak
ibu n ayah hepi
sponsor baru =p
study rajin menjuta tp xjadi nerd! [brother govin.. im NOT a nerd occay!!!]
finding sister in law for govinda..muahahaha...
notts uk???
extremely hepi life!!!! =]
i love new yeAR!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
esok saye blk uni.....
nk start stadi...kat rumah saye xstadi lansung!!!!!
sentuh buku pon x.......
da la exam nk dekat.....owh..ade cite baru...
smalam acap pegi pejabat FELDA tanye pasal termination letter and bout us....
but cik felda yg kuchentai ittew pon xtahu status kitorg..
arituh suruh kitorg apply cik MARA..pehtuh bile mintak termination letter diorg ckp in proses..
peh tuh bike acap tanye pasal cik mara kat cik felda..cik feldacakap kne tunggu reply from mara..
sudah la cik felda......
xpayah la nk berdrama-drama umpame high school musical xpon ber mamamia dengan kitorg...
owh cik felda...
saye mau makan kamu...rase nk vodoo je..uhuhuhuhuhu.....siput sungguh.......huwa!!!!!!!!!!!1
da la...saye da nk exam nyh...doakan saye pat result gempak2 ek....
rindu rakan2..muahmuahmuah.....
happy birthday dr serap!!!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
library dan rm 500....
3rd floor ade language and education faculty
2nd floor is for science and engineering faculty
1st floor for arts students...
ground floor ade tempat study..
kat library itteww juge ade lift..
entry library adelah first floor sahaje...
nk masuk every floor ade 2 entrance..left and right...
ground floor juge ade emergency door...
pade satu hari yg indah mindah....
saye dan govinda plan nk siapkan coursework energetics..
then.....masuk entry..
for the 1st time..saye nk study kat study room which is ground floor....
pastuh saye nk turun gune lift..govinda nk turun gune tangge..
da gaduh2...kitorg turun gune tangge....
da tuh sampai2 je...
saye terus bukak pintu seblah kanan..
huwa!!!! saye dgn badak nye ingatkan ape..
saye igt mamat tgh on phone tuh yg buat bunyi..pastuh kakak cleaner ckp- dik..tutup pintu..
rupenye pintu yg saye bukak tuh emergency room......
1 building bunyi...
pastuh saye masuk la nk study..
bukak pintu je..sume org pandang..hohohoho......
malu gile.....
rase nk sorok muke dlm paper beg je!!! huwa!!!!!
tapi..nawaitu saye nk siapkan coursework pun saye teruskan walaupon muke saye da tebal cam great wall of china!!! huwa!!!! knape??????? saye lg????
sedap2 saye stadi...tetibe je saye nmpk ade satu lg emergency door..
kt pintu tuh tulis...
"sape yg mengade2 nk bukak pintu kecemasan nyh..merase lah korg bayo dende rm 500 gitteww... occay!!!!"
hohoho...saye xprasan pon..rupenye kt pintu yg saye bukak tadi pon ade tulis menatang tuh....owh.......tidak!!!!!!
pastuh saye wt badak je la....
saye stadi lagi......sambil makan dlm library...huhu...rindu nk makan cok keria same2 wan ngan kim..huwa....
pastuh tetibe je ade bunyi alarm lg....huhu...
sesedap je saye stadi.....
tetibe ade seorg pakcik guard yg hensem mensem dtg kat table saye.....
pak cik gad- bunyi alarm td, ade org bukak pintu ni ke (pintu depan saye)???
saye- *ala...pak cik...jgn bunuh saye!!!!*
pakcik gad pun mengecheck pintu2 tersebut
dan memblahkan diri beliau..
5 minit kemudian...pak cik gad po dtg lg..beliau tanye lg kt govin..
pak cik gad- tadi yg bunyi alarm td awak bukak pintu kn??
saye-**owh pakcik!!!! bunyi yg first tuh saye yg bukak!!! ampunkan kami penunggu gua!!!**
govin- eh tak, bukan saye.....
saye dok la buat muke xbersalah
please don't fine me!!!!!
somebody please kill me!!!!!
da tuh pakcik guard pon blah dengan muke beliau yg suspicious.....owh.....saye rase bersalah yg menjuta!!! no!!!!!!!
then.. saye n govin pon plan nk blah dr library b4 saye kne tangkap kat pak cik tuh..lg pon de yan da call saye suruh hamek buku from beliau...
so saye pon nek la...saye nk lari!!!!!
then..kt entrance tuh..pakcik tuh ade kt counter...huwa!!mati la i nox!!!!!
pastuh saye n govinda pon decide la jupe pak cik tuh..
si govinda la...g jerit kat pak cik tuh!! ciss punye govin!!!!
govinda- abang! die yg bukak!!!
saye- saye xprasan pintu tuh emergency door...lg pon ni first tyme..huhuhu...
jawab saye dgn muke yg xbley blah ala2 xbersalah......muahahahaha......saye pon wat la killer smile bg menggode mode pak cik gad lepaskan saye.....hahaha...
killer smile saye menjadi occay!!!!! pak cik tuh ckp die lepaskan saye tapi die pass saye kt kakak library!!! huwa!!!!!!hohohohhoh...
n sebab kakak library tuh popuan...xpat la saye wat killer smile nk menggode beliau..huhu..
tp saye wat muke 1 sen...kesian gile..hehehehe...
nway...mereke lepaskan saye!!!
yay!!! xyah bayar rm500!!!!!
hohohoho...nearly to loss 500!!!!!
nasib baek pak gad ittew tergode..
nasib baek pak gad ittew baek dgn govin...
naseb baek kakak library tuh melayu....
nsb bek bukan mak cik chinese yg garang tuh yg jage counter....
nsb bek saye xkene dende!!!!!!!
saye phobia dgn library!!!!
hohohohoho...da 1 week xpegi library!!!!
owh..presentation saye best!!! 1 class plan menghentam mamat yg saye xsuke tuhy..hoohooohooo...nxt tym saye cerite!! babai!!! selamat cuti!!! slamat study!! saye blk rumah!!! doakan saye study!!huhu....
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
raye dan raye dan raye!!!
-dpt peluk ibu
-dpt peluk ayah
-dpt main ngan adlan nur hakimi- beliau sgt tembam.. beliau xsuke saye..mesti sbb saye xpandai pegang baby..hahaha..xpon sebab saye allergic terhadap bahan buangan beliau..arituh utih jahat siap baling pampers kimi kat saye yg tgh tido atas katil..ciss...
ibu n ayah syg kimi lagi juta2 dr syg saye, alem ngan utih..hoho....
-dapat kacau utih ngan alem
-dapat makan rendang,ketupat, lemang ibu masak
-dapat wat irfan hanif nanges!! haha!!! tu la.. men lg ngan acu..ahahahahaha....
cuti kejap je...
keje banyak la..
nk wat surat kat dato n*jib lg..
coursework lg..
test lagi...
test mototo bg xbes...
da al negetive marking..
da salah 3!! huwa!!!!
bukan rezeki saye!!
kejap ujan kejap panas..
saye cepat demam..
cepat elok..huwa...
wat eva!! hormone xnormal!!!
tension je!!
petang nyh ade chess....
babai..nk g solat asar 1st..
hopefully leyh men ngan org2 best!1 saye pening!!!
kadang2 aircon itttew xbes..pembaziran dan pencemaran!!!
tension dgn sorg mamat nyh..
he can't stop talking...ridiculous talk... mulut laser....weird attitude...suddenly laugh at unfunny syok sendiri...
just don't like him..i'm bad..i noe..dose..i noe....
trying to stay away from him...but he still didnt get it...owh!! just shut up n stay away from me!!!! don't talk to me!!! i don't like hating people..but withhim..i just cant help it!! owh..saye tambah dosa!!!!no!!!!!!
arituh..we ask him during experiment, just want to confirm... but what he said is wrong, we corrected him and suddenly he said- owh, so u guys just want to show how stupid i am.. is it??
my god!!!!!
when he said totally shows that how stupid he is!!!! geram!!!!
wat eva!!!
again..hormonal changes....i dont like it..
nway..on the friday las week...
again embarrasing thing happen to me in front of the imam palestine!!! owh!!!! tidak!! jatuh
saham saye pade beliau!! ciss!! nk paper beg!! nk sorok muke!!huhu...
cerite later!!!got to go!!! bubye!!
hey..wish me luck for my chess..=]
Saturday, November 29, 2008
yay for me!!
cepat suruh mara hamek kitorg! mati la januari xde allowance!!!
rumah saye besar..
saye suke!
classmate saye best..
saye suke...
practical saye best dan susah...
saye suke..
housemate saye best...
saye suke...
rumah saye lawa..
saye suke...
rumah saye mahal....
saye xsuke...
cane nk bayar duit rumah nyh?? ohohooho... nk ngorat anak org kaye raye kt sini xde yg hot..huhu... nyesal x cari sugar dedi awal2...owh.....
pcr leceh...
lecturer xbest...
tp saye dpt A...
saye suke....hehehe..
Allah bg saye ujian..
saye susah...
Allah sayang saye..
saye suke..
saye ade lab report...
saye nk A..
klu dpt A saye suke...
saye ade test dgn mototo...
saye xsuke test...
saye xngam dgn moto moto...
tapi saye suke if saye dpt A...
saye nk A byk2...
so after first year saye dpt scholarship...
nk mintak kat sime darby.. guthrie....
saye mahu scholarship..
saye xmahu loan...
saye kne berusehe...
saye kne stop online n start buat lab report n bace untuk test...wahahahahahaha....
eyh...ade cerite penting...
arituh...pade satu pagi yg indah, segar bugar....
kakak ngan abang gelap wat party kt rumah saye..
diorg mabuk2...pastuhsiap jerit2 cam encik hanjing seblah rumah saye.. suare encik hanjing ittew lg sedap dan relevant dr suare kakak gelap kesayangan saye...hohoho...
pasuh ade seorg abang gelap nk join party beliau..lantas abg gelap pon mengetuk main door like hell!!! cam nk pecah pintu rumah..klu la pintu tuh ble cakap..saye sgt yakin pintu tu da tampar muke beliau!! sgt geram..
saye dan fadz pon mengecol la pak cik guard..hero malaya..
pastuh pakcik guard pon datang le rumah saye..
diorg suh kitorg bukak kiotrg punye la takot...
pak cik guard masok je kitorg tros lari nek atas...
hero kami-pakcik guard pon dgn hebat nye menghalau la kakak2 n abg2 gelap yg saye shentai ittew....huwawawawa...padanmuke mereke....
pastuh tym nk g klas..saye turun ngan fadz...
pastuh nampak kat lawn kitorg...ade seorg kakak gelap nyh tgh mencangkuk sambil mabuk kot...
pastuh yg plg mengharukan mate saye...
cik kakak gelap tuh da la pakai low cut jeans..da tuh siap xpakai panty show yg sgt x indah!! owh...saye gelli!!!!!!!
dose taw kakak!!! len kali saye belikan panty baru ye! pastuh saye bg kakak pakai jubah...kite tutp sume kay??? da la kakak tuh xindah..iskh3...wat tambah dose mate saye je...da la pg tuh bru bace quran..ciss...mengurangkan pahale saye mengutuk beliau..hahahaha.....
pg td ade auntie accomodasi dtg bg warning letter kt diorg..
klu x diam jugak kakak2 gelap kene halau kuar kot...yay!!!! padan muke mereke..memekak semate2.. g stadi la!!!!
nway...tgk la madgascar2!!!
bes gile!!!! 'i think moto moto loves u!' 'i hope god likes sea food' 'thank you for flying with air penguin' ' who say penguin can't fly?' wahahahahahaa....
perdulikan mereke...see u in court!!! muahahahahaha....
ayah nk complaint kt suare doakan ...
lawi cal saye malam tadi..
saye- law...rumah fza mahal la...sape nk bayar...
law- omg fiza...tula yg haku pening nyh..setan sungguh diorg... jom la kite g petaling street ajo gittew..
saye- omg law!! saye xrela nk berpetaling street..dose...dose....
da la kat sini xde mamat kaye yg hot yg saye nk gode..owh... no...
law- ala fiza ko senanag student kan ramai.. diorg tuh kaye2.. gode sajjo!!
saye- omg!! xde org nk aye! mereke tuh nk 1 nyte stand ajjo....
law- owh..ala..1 nyte je....muhahahaha...
saye- owh!!! saye xrela....dose..dose......
segalanye kemerepekan semate!!!! ohohoohohooo... can u imagine if law law dear menjadi somebody ktlorong haji taib?? muahahahahah...ampun... xrela nox!!!
doakan iman saye masih kental dan kuat!!!! saye xrela..saye x mahu....bunuh la saye dr pakse saye ke petaling street!! law...stay away fr petaling street!!! mahupun lorong haji taib!!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
big girls don't cry!!!!
abes da janji2 manis felda....
tiade lagi kerje menunggu saye abes degree...
tiade lagi pn naemah...tiade lg en. abidin yg marah saye.. tiade lg dato' bakke..tiade lg en tajj murah! bukan taj mahal..hahaha...tiade lg tan sri yusof nor.. tiade lagi dato' najib.. gamnar saye, ibu, ayah bersame dato najib n tan sri hanye tinggal tergantung tanpe makne.. pic kat paper nst n berite harian tiade membawe makne lagi..hoho.....
tiade lagi panggilan ke bahagian pembagunan masyarakat felda..
tiade lagi email rayuan nk allowance kepade pn naemah...
tiade lg contract 10 tahun!!!
i'm no longer FELDA scholar...
maybe MARA after this...
everything happens for a reason...
ALLAh knows everything..
may be with MARA loan, i can fly to uk next year... insyaALLAH...
i've done everything that i can..just pray hard and let ALLAH decide...
fwens, please pray hard for us least, let MARA can give loan to us...please...
silly me for spending 2 days of crying...
i shouldn't do that...
it's their lost for not having us!!!!! let us make they regret one day!! for losing people like us!! hahaha....
-pray for us- please-thanks a lot rakan2-
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
waiting for sheikh yusuf estes!!!!
korg!!! igt x sheikh yusuf estes yg kite tgk video kat surau tuh????
atuk yg cute, perut besar cam santa claus tuh......
die nk datang my uni this SUNDAY!!!!!
he's coming dear!!!!!!!
saye mahu peluk beliau!!!! saye akan tgk beliau secare life!!!! owh!!!! xsangke!!!!
xsabar nk tunggu ahad!!! yay!!!!!!!!!
hepi menjuta!!!!
2 coursework postponed!!!! next month!!
byk mase nk berpoye2!!!!! ahahahhaha......
tunggu saye!!!!! saye akan peluk unachan byk2!!!!! owh!!1 rindu unachan menjuta!!!! huwa.....
Sunday, November 16, 2008
tag fr sorayayayayayaya
2-each players answers the questions about themselves
3-at the end of the post the player then tags 5 people n posts their names,then goes to
their blogs and leave a comment,letting them to know they got tagged and to ask
them to play and read your blog
Staring time: 1623
Name: Syufiza Yusof
Nick: Fiza, sufiza, adik, sayang ibu..hahahahahahahaha...
sisters: 2!! elder
brother: 3!! in law currently 1..
shoe size: 8..asal tanye?? nk belikan kasut saye kah??yay!!!
height: 170cm!! yay!!! taller among the girls in my class, house..chalet!!! ahahaha
Where do you live?
currently at taman tasek semenyih wif 11 people..sumtimes about 20..including kakak2 n abg2 gelap!! ahahahhahah..
Have you ever been in plane??
ye!!! nk nek lg!1nk g arizona tgk una chan!!!
Swam in the ocean? aah!! mase kecik pakai pelampung la..kire swim ke tuh?? hoho..
Fallen asleep at school? sgt!!habit yg dibine kat seseri!!! boarding scholl mengajar anda tido dlm klas!! habit yg permanent till a level..esp class papa vroege..class papa am saye xpenah tido occay!!!heheheheheh...skrg x taw..saye da baek..heheheh...
Broken someone's heart? my dad, twice!! argh!! xmau buat lg!!!! hoho...
Fell off your chair? xpenah!!!! yay!!! saye sgt sopan!! hahaha...
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: xde keje!! tido 6 jam sehari ittew lg penting dr fon!!hehehhe!!eyh..penah!! tp beberape jam je..hahah pastuh saye tetido... tym kakak saye tgh bersalin aritu.... hohoohoo..saye xtido pai kul 2!!heheheh
saved emails: malas..wat penuh inbox je...
what is your room like: mcm kt colege..ade archery board yg tulis macam2..exactly cam dulu...sor..saye simpan taw..hehe..
what's right beside you: paper coursework, minah cine , sblah kire kembar khazakhstan..depan abg2 cine..blakang saye pintu..hahaha...
what is the last thing u ate: td makan kt kedai mamak kt semenyih..ciss..xpedas..manis plak tuh..huwa...xbes..grape juge...
ever had...chicken pox...: xpenah!!yay!!!!
sore throat: sgt jarang!!! =]
broken nose: xla!!!! hidung saye beso nyh.....insaAllah xkan..ahahahha
do you believe in love at first sight : owh sgt!!! more specifict, love in first azan and tilawah!! ahahahahha..
like picnic : best if pegi dgn org best!! ade plan!! fadz bawak gitar skali..hoho...
who was/were...the last person you danced with : dance??? xigt..malas nk tawu!!1 jgn tanye!!
last made you smile : mak cik owner of restaurant nearby..jupe kat semenyih n mak cik yg baik ittew hantar blk pai depan rumah! yay!!!
last you last yelled at : yelled?? xkot...rasenye...
today...did you talked to someone you like : my ibu n alem!!!!
kissed anyone : ibu lagi!!
get sick : nope!!! yay!!!
talk to an ex : xde!!! xnk ade ex!! hahaha
miss someone : owh!! ramai!! xterlists... hahahah...esp collegemates!!
who do you really hate : kakak2 n abang2 gelap yg slalu party kt rumah saye..kakak2 n abg2 vietnam yg wat gathering, masak, tp xtaw kemas n make my house smell of pork!! eeeuuuwwww..... i noe..saye sgt menderite!! mat rempit yg slalu kacau tym saye jalan nk g uni..baru td kne kacau..xgune!! xsedar diri menyuisahkan org len!! sipot!! mangkuk!!cipan..tenuk..tapir... da la siap mencarut!! dgn geramnye saye nk ckp- BODO!!! geram taw!!!! rase nk cili je mereke tuh..rase nk baling je kt paye tuh!!
do you like you hand-writing : sometimes..bile nampak lawa..hahaha... bile xlawa nmpk cam pro..ohohoho...
are your toe nails painted : tak...natural..hahaha
what color shirt are you wearing now : dark blue+ pink..
are you friendly person : sgt!!.....
do you have any pets : yup! compot n panjang! rindu si gemuk!! nk peluk korg!!
do you sleep with the tv/laptop on : x! saye baek..saye chentakan alam sekitar..saye xsuke membazir..hahaha..
what are you doing right now : berfikir n menaip..patutnye tgh wat coursework..hehehe..
can you handle the truth : owh..but surely can!!
are you closer to your mother or father : Ibu lg!! ayah saye utih da curi!! ciss...
do you eat healthy : saye masak sendiri...makan saye saye xmakan bende kale hijau...exp lettuce..hehehe..sihat ke saye???
do you still have pictures of you and your ex : exchalemate ade..hahaha
if you're having a bad day,who are you most likely to go to : ibu, katil, alem, utih n fwens..
are you loud or quiet most of the time : dulu loud!! and so...
are you confident : depends on situation..most likely..terlebey yakin..hahaha..
5 things i was doing 10 years ago:
darjah 4 yg xbes....
5 things i would do if i am a billionaire:
1. travel wif family!!! satu dunia!!!
2.beli company len, jd multi billionaire..beli sime darby, guthrie n felda..hahaha
3. gune duit yg banyak ittew hentikan perang, hentikan hunger n starvation, tanam pokok banyak2..tanam sayur banyak2...
4. wat yayasan yusof dan azizah.. tlg ank2 yg malas blaja tuh amek kemahiran..
5. beli harte kat byk negare...nk beli ladang!!!!
5 of my bad habits
1. buat courswework lambat2..
2. suke sepah barang..bile cari, xjumpe..hehehe
3. suke kutuk kakak2 n abg2 gelap..hahahaha..
4. xsuke dgr org poyo tgh cakap, end up kutuk mereke...
5. men game n tgk naruto banyak2.. bace novel tym coursework menjuta
5 places i've lived/living:
1. rumah ibu n ayah..
2. sains seri puteri
3. lembah beringin
4.taman tasek semenyih
5. nk g notts next year!!
5 people i tagged:
1. wan syasya
2.syarara len yg xkene tag lagi....
4. anda yg membace...
5. anda la..buat la...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
owh!!!!! tag oh tag!!
sgt rindu!!! baru skrg dpt curi2 bukak blog!!!!
minggu lepas kebizian melande dgn coursework yg berjuta n experiment yg berjam2 tp salah!!!
saye rindu nk ketawe puas2 cam kt kolej...
aritu saye ade hantar surat chenta kat pejabat akomodasi!!!!
nyh sume keje gile saye, fadz ngan sook hwa...hahahahha..
kitorg tulis sume!!!!
- party tiap2 malam....+ beer+ smoke+ loud music + berjuta kakak2 n abang2 gelap! ahahahhahaha..nickname mereke..saye x racist occay.....wahahahha apekah ittew??
-party fr kol 11 pm pai 6am..gile x mereke??
-semase saye sdg cuci pinggan... ade seorg abang gelap half naked berjalan2 kat ruang tamu rumah ittew..owh...sgt sexi tp saye x tergode occay!!1 gelliiiiiii!!!!!!!
-malam nk kuar g it lab..saye n fadz menyaksikan kakak ngan abg gelap berintimacy kt sofa living room bawah!!! owh!!!!perlukah saye panggil jawi? terlibatkah mereke??? mahuke mereke datang??? dlm kete kt luar rumah pon... nway nsb bek mereke gelap!!! ahahhahahahhahahahha..
xde la banyak mane kitorg nmpk..ahahahhahahahhah.....fza...blk wat solat taubat!!!hohohoho
-amaran kepade pihak akomodasi, hello, kitorg bayar mahal occay!!!! lg mahal kt on campus!!! da la sume yg diorg wat tuh mmg da stated dlm buku peraturan!! hello??? xbace ke??/
mentang2 la kitorg malaysian..melayu plak tuh..wat tutup mate je..ceyh!!1 racist sungguh anda!! xgune!!
pastuh saye g hamek sign wei wei, ivy, kakak vietnam, serena...yaya!!kami jadi majoriti!!!!!
da 3 ari...rumah saye xde party gelap!!ahahahhah puas ati saye!! eh silap..ameenn..hekhekhek...
owh...qui....cerite penting!!!
ari kames arituh abg imam palestine bukak kan pintu utk saye!!1pintu masuk n keluar kat surau!!1 yayayyayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sgt hepi juta2!!! qui...jgn jeles!!hekhekhek...ahahahah...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
it's a boy!!
dpt nephew baru!!!!!
from my sister!!
diorg kt rumah tgk sibuk bg name!!!!
ibu nk name modern yg saye bg diorg ckp cm org tue la...owh...wateva la...
saye da lame xupdate sbb kegilaan internet kn uni....juge sbb kebizian saye menyiapkan 6 coursework yg kne anta bulan nyh...
next wik ade 2...pehtu ade tutorial.....pehtu ade lab report..ade esei yg sgt panjang juta2!!!!!!
4 pages......owh..saye bz....
juge bz tgk naruto n house..ohohohoho......
memakse diri menjadi hebat!!!!1 memakse diri xmalas....
pakse diri bangun pagi n stadi.....
pakse diri bace notes n buku...
pakse diri siapkan coursework yg berjuta.....
doakan saye....
smalam wat PCR experiment....
fr 10-5pm..
sgt letey..sgt suke..pipette ittew sgt hot n maju....owh...
td saye derma darah.....
rase cam nk pengsan....pelik.....
nk wat coursework..
nk blk masak......
nk blk wat coursework....
nk jd hebat...
nk dpt A....
nk fly tawun depan!!!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
saye kt rumah!!!
saye kt rumah!!!
tp ade ibu n ayah je.. utih!!!! alang!!!!! cepat la blk!!!!!
da bley berhenternet n berym dgn anda manda!!!ryndu!!!!
poskad anda sgt seksi!!! hot gittew!! membuatkan hati saye membare mare nk g uk next year!! doakan!!1 harus dpt 90++ exam january nyh!!!!!
wah!! saye sgt perlu pergi..walau setaun je!!!! sgt perlu 1st class degree!!!
kerane felda telah memulekan kekejaman teramat!!!!
owh yaa....
to fadzeana abd rais
fadz!!!!! stop googling my name!!!!!!
stop stalking my blog!!!!!
i mean...
just don't read tru my blog fadz...
just stop now.. or u will see the ms hyde inside me....ahahahahhahaa...
jgn bace occay... stop....
close this page occay!!!!!
jgn bace ye.... nnt i masak pasta 4 u..hohohoohoh.....
wan, kad raye anda da sampai!!! aah... xlawa la kad uk..ohohohoho...eyt, kem slm juta2 kt che nad.... ckp slamat berbio selamenye!! rindu classmate bio..owh....
kak qui dear!!!! owh..kad raye anda sgt hot occay!!! slm fr monash gittew!!!!!
bulan 11 nyh afta abes wat coursework n presentation fza turun kl occay!!!!
kite berfoye2 wif lawlaw dear n pam pumkin luv... hohohoho......
owh ye...
ape perlu kite wat bile kene tipu?? or better, ape yg kite patut wat to org yg tipu kite??
1- bunuh n campak dalam lake kt uni.. xpon bunuh n cincang2 daging itik makan..hohoho
2-bunuh n campak kat paye kt bridge tepi rumah bg biawak n ikan makan..eyh..ikan makan daging ke??
3-sepak beliau sepuas hati
4-sumpah beliau jadi peti ais..da la peti ais kt rumah slalu penuh..hohoho...
4-sumpah jadi mesin basuh baju...xyah penat2 saye basuh baju!!hohoho
5-sumpah jadi iphone mahupon ipod nano atau pon laptop apple..ahahahhaha..sgt best!!
6-sumpah jd astro..bley tgk tv..kan fadz kn??kn??
7-sumpah jadi sesumpah!! puas ati saye!!!ohohohoho..nk tipu sgt!!!
ape lg ye??? klu korg nk wat ape ar?? bagi idea sket.... kejam!!!hohoho
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
i've been cheated!!
i've been cheated ari sabtu ari tuh..
tym g tesco... tension!!!!
siput!! xngaku tue!! sudala.....
nway, tesco kajang xbes...
da la saye telepas bus 1st...pastuh siap kne tipu lg dlm bus... ciss.....owh...hati saye membare mare....
blk2 je tgk ade kenduri viatnamese kt rumah..
da tuh masak hati, paru , jantung lembu...uwa!!!1 nox......
ade abg vietnamese nyh muke die sebijik sejibun mcm muke akak fer...owh...rindu akak fer...muahmuahmuah...wahahahahaha....
owh ya...
aritu blaja psl bacteria....
klu korg sume nk tawu...
probiotic yg diorg sgt banggekan kt dlm sus baby tuh...originated from bacteria yg dpt fr ciken gut!! iyyyewwww....
kt upm, nk wat bacteria tuh..diorg amek kt baby nappies...owh!!!!!!
nnt korg da de baby sile la breast feed mereke....
baby akan lebih sihat dr sumber yg sihat!! feed baby akan menjadikan anda slim n maintain chantekk mcm akak fer!! ohohohoho... so atirah..anda tidak lg memerlukan maryfrance bodyline!! ahahahahha...
p/s atirr... jage akak fer baek2 occay...... =]
arituh ade lab!! kne jln jauh gile nk g research centre!!!
ade la 1.5km..ohohohoho...penat nox!!!
tp best!! lab tuh baru..kitorg first yg gune...
arituh wat tissue culture!!!best!!!
nk masuk dlm tuh kne lalu ade chamber. name die lamina air flow...
nk lalu wajib pakai lab coat..n labcoat die macam chef punye leher, tp panjang..pastuh kat tgn die ade cuff...
airflow tuh hanye utk membuang segale male bacteria2 o organism yg melekat kt baju kitorg!!! kire mandi angin la...sgt syok!!1 ohohoho...
pastuh nk msk lab 4 tissue culture again, kne lalu air flow, n=but this tym kne pakai plastik cover kasut..saye rase sgt macam alien!! hohoho...
eyh..nk g klas..nnt sambung..babai!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
saye bz!!
tgh curik2 wat blog tym wat coursework dgn rakan2...
td saye dtg class lambat sbb igt class stat cam bese kol 10..skali tuh class start kul 9!!hahaha..
nsb bek saye da siap pack lunch ngan siapkan beg..
kul 9 zi wei msg..ckp class da stat..hahahaha....
nsb xbek sbb saye kne lari g class n sampai 9.16..lg xbek sbb saye xsempat mandi pon!! ahahahahahha...merase sgt la cam kt uk g class xmandi..hohohohoho...
nsb bek sbb saye da sembur perfume byk2...ahhahahahahaha..
nsb bek perfume itteww bau die tahan lame...
nsb bek org seblah..belakang depan saye xmati!!!ahahahhahaha
mereke x tahu..huhuhuhuhu....
k...sye sibuk...esok xde class tp nk g campus sbb nk wat coursework lg...
sabtu nk g tesco...
ahad kne cover blk sume subjects...byk notes kne wat n byk self study materials yg kne cari...
wan call saye pg td..kul 3 lebey..hohoho..wan..saye shentakan anda..poskad ittew dah sampai..kym pnye blom..
eyt firdaus amaran!! mane adiah saye?? ya fahri..poskad ana??? ciss...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
you r fiza rite?
saye mmg da dilahirkan utk selalu memalukan diri!!!
smalm afta lunch saye n rakan2 g la library..
so saye g la cari buku..xde motif len..
tgh2 saye cari buku tuh tetibe ade sorg mamat african nyh g tegur
mamat- you r fiza rite?
saye- erm yes..owh so u r galle (kakak botswana) fren i suppose??
mamat- er...
govinda- stephen la..
saye- ?? do u noe my name??
mamat- erm..becoz we r in the same stephen micah..
saye- so sorry..( mak malu gile amat tym tuh..pengumpulan lipid dgn extreme kt muke saye)...i just dont quite realise..hehehe..
- and acually im quite confused here..
u noe..i do sumtimes find african people look quite the same.. i mean..difficult to differentiate..
govinda kt blakang da gelak2 da..sipot tol govinda..xgune..
hahaha..tuh sume alasan smate2....saye xprasan pon tu yg sgt malu sbb kt klas tuh ade 24 org ade 4 je..vipul fr india..sulochana sri lanka..silma mauritious, meisoon sudan n mamat tuh fr nigeria!!
well..sorry...sape suh xglam dlm class...sape suh duk blakang...mane la saye nk tengok2 blakang..n..sape suh xhot??mane nk saye prasan..hohohoho....
still..saye sgt malu..da la 1 class..hoho..apepon..n mengubat hati mamat yg berduke sbb saye xknal beliau tuh aye pon chat few lines la ngan die..pastuh trus bla..sebab?
1- ibu ckp don't be too nice too mereke...i mean..just dont be nice..sbb arituh saye blk sorg2 fr library saye da kne kacau ok...mereke yg mengacau siap ckp, hey, i think u look beautiful without ur scarf.. kn ke xgune tuh!!!! n dgn org vietnam pon jgn..they will take advantage on us..
da la diorg men gune je kuali pinggan sudu garfu minyak masak saye!!da tuh xbersih plak tuh..mangkuk sungguh mereke!!faham x brg org xleh gune suke ati tok ngah korg???
now saye da pindah sume brg g atas..puas ati saye!!!pasnyh ayah ckp nk blikan electric stove..xyah masak kt bawah la..da la diorg makan pork n brg2 hebat tuh..mane le tawu diorg masak mende tuh plak..ciss..
2- kat rak uh buku da xde pon..sume da kne pinjam..nk pinjam pon da berduyun2 yg request..ciss...
3- saye xthn nk ketawe sbb malu...hohohoho....
nway..las week saye sempat masak spaghetti, ciken sup,sambal ikan bilis n ayam msk merah..hohoho....
n bile saye masak spaghetti tuh..esok die tetibe satu rumah masak mende tuh..ya ampun....
kakak botswana..ivy ngan wei wei pastuh minah vietnam yg siap bwk 10 org sbb nk msk mende tuh...
ayyoyoyoyoyo....tapi ini menjadi bukti yg saye ade da master the art of influencing..hahaha..
well...they adored my food...hoho...perasan je....
nnt2 saye post resepi..mudah senang cepat dan sedap!!! skrg bz..ade coursework ngan berjuta kne bace sbb handout tuh cover 30% je..sket kn??? huwa... next week start class n individual presentation.....
stay away fr all the games !!!!
mlm nyh ade usrah...jumaat ade xde class..igt kn nk blk on ade study gp n ptg tuh ade club week la blk..blk raye deepavali la saye..hohohoho....
time kaseyh pade rakan2 yg menghantar kad o oskad..kak raye anda dlm proses..xjupe stem lg..hehehe
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
On top of the world (only tiny miny part to be precise)
It was full of adventurous steep and slippery track and lots of fun too..extremely..
It was unofficial biosciences field trip actually which only consist of 16 people je... We just climb up and enjoy the sightseeing without bringing back any plant sample or even new species or new knowledge..hohoho..
At first I thought it gonna be an easy peasy track with steps or so but then.. it’s terrible I have to say..worse than FRIM kepong and even worse than gunung angsi..
Xgune..almost jatuh and I go stuck when climb up and CK help me to come down again..malu je..bajet nk tunjuk hero clim up 1st while others were having rest..then xbley panjat..ciss…
The half part of the hill is actually bit of oil palm plantation with jungle and other part is grassy and have many big rocks.
So..we got tanned as the top is grassy without any higher plant..not gymnosperm, nor angiosperm.. just grass and rocks..da la bau tanah 1 badan, pastuh panas plak tuh..balik2 je fadz ckp – u look darker..ciss..nway, it’s a proven that I do something outdoor..hoho..
From top we manage to see campus, our blue facade!! Bioscience building actually!! So proud of it… broga town, seriously, it doesn’t look like town..kampung is much suits broga..hehehe… semenyih town and kajang as well!!!
Can hear the unim bell up suprises us a lot!until up ??…wow..
But the best part, marcus sanggup tinggalkan his bioscience tshirt as flag!! Wohohoho…
after taking lots of pics there..then we went down with fears..its really difficult to go down with those steepy hill..but…we took only 25 minutes to go down!!! Amazing rite??
Becoz we slide!!
that’s the secret!at first govinda wanted to throw us down..the easiest way..or they said..just rolling down like the bollywood scene..~vipul’s idea..
After all…I think it’s worth going..
We talk a lot…we laugh a lot..teasing each other and help one another..the trip really bond us..hepi..
although my legs were trembling all the way down…
sakit kaki…
susah nk jln..
still we got class at two .all of us managed to come..with sleepy and tired faces..hehehe…but peter was being nice during the lecturer..he saw me slept and yet he just gve a friendly smile..i hope it is would u noe rite?? Kan?kan? tah2 die kutuk saye…hoho…
Today, no class…so I’m the library…searching online journal for my coursework.. The deadline is next month but I want to finish it early so later I have more time to study.. lectures notes only have a very basic information…have to look some more…
Oww ya…vipul jakun gile tgk pokok klape sawit ngan getah…klaka je..n the class tag line is AWESOME…. Huh…
I miss to say APEKAH?
Lawi called me las nyte..rindu lawi..rindu rakan2..rindu college…
I wish I can again go back proudly to the beloved college..attending classes… participating in lots of sakit hati, penat, unforgettable and sgt hepi events…
I miss everyone….
Nk masuk clg dgn korg sume again bole?? =)
Doraemon!! I want to borrow your pintu ajaib please……
I miss home too…
I just want to hug ibu and cry on her lap..
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
lepas raye..
smalam ari isnin..
esok ari rabu..
so..nk cite pasal smalam dulu..
smalam...a.k.a isnin..
saye bgn awal..kul 5 cenggitu..pastuh stadi la..sbb da cuti raye bape ari.satu buku pon saye pon dgn semangat yg baru dapat...hohoho..pon stadi..
tp byk men game je dr stadi..hohohoho.....utih la..sape suh xdelete game???hehehe..
men game slame beberape jam....
pastuh sambung stadi blk..tgk2 da pkl 9.45 ..peh tuh saye msg classmate..
saye- huda, arini xde class kn?? ganti class petang je kn??
huda yg teros mengecol saye- eyh fiza..ade class la..kitorg da sampai da..yg klas ptg pon ade..class pagi xcancel.
saye- argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
make saye pon teros le..kelam kabut tukar baju...carik baju yg xyah gosok..klam kabut gosok tudung..cari notes....kemas pencil case..carik spec ngan kunci rumah..bilik saye trus jd cam sarang hamster..n xsempat mandi pon.....hohohohohoho....
ahahhahahaha....da xsempat kn??
da la saye kne jalan..kne nek bukit plak tuh..tinggi nk pengsan saye lari..huhu..marathon gile..pakcik guard tuh dok gelak je..ciss...
setelah saye lari cam nk kne kejo ngan anjing...saye pon samapai kt class kol 10:03 minit...
lecture da stat 5minit awal..hamek ko fiza...da la xfhm ape..
masok2 je si huda n khai da pegang hidung..
cam tetawu je saye xmandi...
takmau memalukan diri..
saye pon mengeluarkan statement yg a white lie...
saye ckp saye baru sampai pg td kol 9 sengah..ahahahha..
padehal da sampai semalam lg..hohoh0.. game lg...da g klas xmandi..nsb bek arituh hujan..xde le saye busuk...i da sembur perfume byk2 occay....
ptg pon ade klas..adey.....da la aribidopsis xfhm...
nsbbek yg topic ptg nyh ok sket..
owh ya....
tym nk blk...saye jupe abg imam palestine yg hot ittew..hohohoho...
pastuh tym lunch saye kne lari blk rumah amek purse sbb kne bayo accomodation..xgune...padan muke saye..abes allowance ibu bg..da la felda xmasokkn lg..xgune hencik felda...
ade class fr 10 to 5...
ngantuk gile class...
td bgn awal..revise topik arini ngan las week..owh...saye dah jatuh chenta dgn plant propagation...
xsabar nk wat practical..
yg plg penting..arini club registration!!!!
saye masok club..
clubbing n nite club!!! hohohohoho!!!!!!! motif??
masok nature club, chess ngan islamic society..
cite penting...
tym nk register isoc...
saye tym tuh tgh survey club ape nk masok..
then nampak ade satu table tuh tepi die ade tampal islamaic society beso2..
saye pon dgn yakin tros je g kat meje tuh...
skali ade abang imam palestine ngan abang msia kt meje tuh..
abang imamku yg hot.....huhuhu....
saye pon sign up je la..
sedap2 saye tgh tulis tetibe je ade org panggil name saye...
suare misteri nusantara- fiza..fiza..
govinda- eyh fiza, u should dign up kat girls table la...
saye pusing kanan..saye tgk ade kakak2 muslim kt meje satu lg..meje muslimat...ohohohoho..diorg sengeh je...
malu nk mati!!!!1
dgn ketebalan muke 5mm..saye pon angkat le kertas tuh pegi meje perempuan..
ho...da tuh saye siap lupe uni email address plak tuh..wat malu je...
saye- owh..kat sini ke?xprasan la...
kak saida- hehehe..kat sane pon xpe..
saye teros g kat meje abg imam..saye pon xtaw ape motif saye g situ..hoho
pastuh lupe email..dtg blk kt meje muslimat...
saye-lupe email la....huhu
kak saida- ha..igt blk..
setelah memakse neuron berfungsi..make saye pon berjaye igt email saye..hehehe..
pastuh kne bayo rm5..
saye- kne bayar kt mane??sini ke sane??
kak saida- sini pon xpe..
saye- paper??hantar blk ek??
kak saida- aah..pen pon..
saye dgn muke yg semakin tebal pon menghantar le pen ittew..dgn kertas yg ade name muslimin..ohohohohohoho...
sgt malu....
nape la mende2 cenggini slalu jadi kt saye dpn mereke?? konfusi...
jatuh saham saye depan abang imam palestine..ciss....
kne pakse g hill climbing kat broga.. its free..but still...xgune pnye classmate...da la kul 8 pg..huwa....malas.....
doakan saye slamat berbukit esok...
nk blk basuh baju ngan study!!!adios!!!
owh..lupe nk cite...
las n fadz kill our time by inventing our own antenna using broomstick and dawai halus we found downstairs..
it works occay....
makes rtm 2 goes better..with sound and semut2 halus..but this time is nano semut..and without the colour...8tv...dont je tv mahal...ciss....
Monday, September 29, 2008
saye masih berharap!!
salam perantauan....
hanya di mercu..
lagu khas dr saye untuk FELDA DAN FELDA HOLDINGS..
SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN saye terlalu banyak mengeji anda....tapi..nila hakikatnye..huhuhu....
Mimpi dan harapan
Bagai duri yang mencengkam
Tak pernah terluahkan
Hanyalah di hati tersimpan
Keterbatasan diriku menjadi penghalang
Sampai bila aku bertanya sampai bila
Ku harus mencuba
Bila lagi desak hatiku bila lagi
Aku harus berani
Lalu ku bangkit tegak berdiri
Mengatur langkah ku terus mendaki
Di mercu
Mimpi dan harapan cecita yang tinggi menjulang
Seandainya ku biar cecita dihati tersimpan
Keterbatasan tak wajar menjadi penghalang
Sampai bila aku bertanya sampai bila
Ku harus mencuba
Bila lagi desak hatiku bila lagi
Aku harus berani
Lalu ku bangkit tegak berdiri
Mengatur langkah ku terus mendaki
Di mercu
Aku mencari kekuatan
Dalam kelemahan
Aku temui kejayaan
Dalam keberanian
Sampai bila aku bertanya sampai bila
Ku harus mencuba
Bila lagi desak hatiku bila lagi
Aku harus berani
Mengatur langkah ku terus mendaki
Di mercu
Di mercu…
Saturday, September 27, 2008
kakaks,nephews,niece and biskut raye..
after spent 30 minutes for campus bus to pick me from the isolated taman tasek semenyih, another 30 minutes in the bus full with foreigners.. 40 minutes in sardin ktm kajang to seremban, then 2 hours in the bus with a very berhati2 di jalan raye driver.. im finally home!!
penat...but still hepi coz 3 of us are here!! alang n utih ade kt rumah!!yay!!! we r the sistas!!
and my nephews n neice also..with their very high pitch voice!! all the nanges2 scene..owh.. y kids have to cry when they are upset or when their friends teese them o when the dont get what they want?? hmm.... n still...y my neice..cannot be nice to me?? y utih je yg lawa?? y acu je yg busuk??
ciss punye anak buah!!
nway..arini saye buat kuih!! biskut cornflakes madu!!!
biskut cornflakes madu
bahan-mahan-tahan-saye makan
1 kotak cornflakes..
cornflakes tuh korg ramas2 sket bg hancur sket..
1 cawan caster sugar..gule nyh lagi halus dr gule biase..if xde..korg mesin la ye..
1 cawan butter..brand ape2 pon xkesah..tertakluk dimane anda berade..klu marjerin xbest..better butter la..lebey skey pon xpe..
kismis..ikut banyak mane korg nk letak..klu xsuke xyah letak..
2 cawan kacang tanah..resepi ini tidak menggunekan kacang angin..api..atau kacang knape kne letak name kacang tanah?? konfusi...
3 sudu makan madu ini gune madu yg bley makan occay..bukan makcik2 yg da dimadukan...free2 je korg dapat penampor..huhuhu..
goreng kacang api atau kacang angin anda dengan api yg sederhane tanpe gune setitis pon minyak masak..minyak petrol mahupon diesel juge xyah gune walaupon harge minyak da turun sposen..minyak api dlm pelite depan rumah korang pon xyah ngade2 nk gune..
sile goreng sampai kacang tuh tercabut kulitnye..bagai kacang lupekan kulit..hahahaha...
pastuh sejukkan kacang..
tumbuk kacang anda sket je..xyah hancur2..nnt xde rase..xbest..
hamek gule kastor anda td..pastuh mesin kan bg die jd lg halus malus tulus nanti senang nk cairkan
hamek satu kuali beso..
bukak api gas dengan kepanasan sederhane mendekati kecik..resepi nyh xgune plate bley kot..korg try la..klu jd bg taw..hahaha..
nasukkan sume butter korg dlm kuali die cair..kacau perlahan2...
bile da sume butter korg cair, masukkan gule yg korg da blend halus td..
kacau pai gule larut sket2 n pai ade buih2 cinta seperti buih2 ombak dipesisiran pantai menjelme..hoho..siyes..masakkan pai ade buih..tym nyh..kecikkan api gas..
pastuh..masukkan madu..kacau lagi..
pastuh masukkan cornflakes anda..kacau pai sebati...make sure sume cornflakes tuh sebati dgn minyak tuh..
tym nyh..gune api yg sekecik mungkin supaye xhangus..
tambah kismis lagi..sebanyak yg korg suke..
kacau lagi..
tambah kacang plak..ikut suke ati..ade byk kacang lg best..
kacau lagi..pai nampak sebati..
pastuh tutup api gas..
transfer sume masuk dlm bekas..
pastuh gune sudu, masukkan beskut korg yg panas tuh dlm cawan kertas kecik
da siap...sedie untuk dimakan...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
treasure hunt, iftar pot luck, 4 hours lecture!!
have to say....
sangat JEALOUS tgk pic rakan makan yg da fly...huwa...
tu la fiza..sape suh xsuke maths..sape suh xstadi p3 gile2..sape suh xdoa juta2...sape suh everything yg membolehkan saye fly!!!! huwa... ayah is still merajuk wif xfly... hmm.....
da mule belajar..n xgune!!on the first day of my class i got pimple on my forehead!! it was the FIRST PIMPLE ON MY FOREHEAD!!! for god sake..ciss.....
class ok la..22 people..sket je..but i like it..xramai so blajar in class then senang nk focus. the lecturers...well xde la as hot and attractive as papa am..wahahahahaha.....
but sume ade phd..gile ah african lecturer tuh scary ah..ajar plant die ckp agak plek ar english die..back die sebut bug..huhu....
tp tu la... english merapu pon bley dpt dr gittew!!! so rakan2 kt uk n ireland sane...dont worry with ur english..cakap je..broken ke..diorg peduli ape..asalkan faham...president student association kitorg pon cakap bley je jd je...jgn malu...
ade sorg guy fr india..ajar applications of biology..subject plg snang stakat ni la...
plg susah..plant propagation ..da la en. mat bin salleh yg ajo...die ckp xfaham ape yg diajar..hahahahaha....
bile tanye..die repeat..pastuh bile xley jawab die mumble2...wah....
xgune.....kne banyak bace juta2....extremely byk bace!!!! n the book they refer...bukan 1 buku je dis ade 7 or 9 cenggitu..huwa...matila.....
aritu ade pot-luck iftar kat surau...huhu..
abg imam palestine xpat la amek pic die..ahahahhaa..
sebab iftar kali nyh pot saye nagn housem8, fadz..masak le...TERPAKSE!!! huwa..baru igt malas nk masak..huhu... tp i masak occay... saye masak fried egg cooked wif soy sauce or name glam die telur goreng masak kicap... ahahahhahah......
jadi occay....acap... i noe how to cook..huhu... diorg cakap it's a mouth watering!!!hahaha...
bukan sebab sedap sebab pedas nak mati!!!!wahahahahahaha.... for me xpedas la... tp for them..the african...arabs...and bukan org nogori yg xbiase makan pedas tuh.....huhuhuhu..
so sebab pedas sgt...
so ade 2 telur yg drummet fadz tuh..hangus2 pon laku jugak!!!ahahahaha...
we cannot believe we do dis!! hahaha...
23 arituh...
ade nottingham hunt!!
housemate kt level atas sume masuk...hahaha...
gile ah...saye kt group purple!!!go diamond!! fadz n sara in white.. sok hwa in shoking pink gp..
die punye route punye la jauh nak mati...da la kitorg puase...gile nk mati...
penat gile nk mati!!!!the hunt start at 6..igtkan habes bout 7 sempat la lari2 balik rumah n buke pose..skali tuh....buke pose tgh jalan......
itupon mintak ihsan pak cik guard yg berhati budi mulie....saye n kak ain mintak kurma je...skali pakcik tuh bagi air tembikai ngan kuih lagi..ahahahaha...
saye doakan pakcik kekal hensem selamenye..huhu....
owh saye ade 6 org.... 2 guys fr india..zein and dinesh...a girl fr tanzania.. caroline.. a chinese girl fr perak..owh..saye lupe name kak ain...
ade kt satu bridge link the campus to my accomodasi...the guys hve to carry all the girls at the back taw...n.... saye and kak ain xmau buat..
the sa guy cakap... y u dont want to do that? it just carry at the back?? it is not a big thing...the other malay girls also did that just now....
it is not a big thing?? for them..yes...for me..NO!
so dear friends..
if korg nk wat sumtin..please..igt2 la pasal org len...they will judge us based on what they la bende2 baek..
hohohoho...if nk wat anything yg luar biase against our religion or custom..please rethink again...
diorg will judge us..and islam too...
in the end..kak ain yg angkat saye...da la die lg kecik..hahaha....
but the best part kat pool la... where zein kne turun n dive for 10 cen..huhu..kat sport centre... i just realize thet diorg xkenal micheal jordan and maria sharapova....ape la...
plek gile...amat sgt!!!! tula...
walaupon bukak pose sambil lari2....its worth..really..because we WON!!!!!!!
1st prize occay!!!!
gile ah..kitorg sampai bout 730pm..pastuh me n kak ain trus g surau...n when da abes solat bout 8..bru 2nd gp x??hahahah...we r the fastest group ever!!!
we got rm 100 in cash..
so devided by 6..the boys being gentleman n the took rm1 less...huhu.. dapat la rm 17.....huhu.... naseb bek menang!!! klu x..memang saye sumpah2 la...da la puase..lari2 cam gile overall best la.. dis treasure hunt really unite me n my housemate..esp sok hwa n sara yg baru sampai the other day..amy pon...da final year pon sempat g masuk..huhu....
owh ya...
malam nyh ade grand iftar!!!!!!!
wajib pegi..wajib....
makan free....xyah masak.....
dpt tgk abg imam palestine..huhuhuhu..n ofcoz..... dpt solat jemaah..huhuhuhu..
fiza...betulkan niat.....fix
xsabar nk tunggu buke....there will be lots of people n will make lots of fren...n lots of food ofcoz....hahahaha....
n for rakan2 ku sayang yg da fly n nak flyy tonite n beberape ari lg....
babai korg...
i miss u guys to...
jgn lupe saye..
free2 tuh call la saye..korg kt sanekn kaye...hahaha...
kim....nk g manchestoo sgt2..nk g class same2....huwa..... jgn lupe post pic cristiano ronaldo ek....
wan...kad raye akan saye la saye..adiah saye jgn lupe post!!!
sora...huwa....da xde org nk gile daniel henney dgn fiza..nk rebut toilet pon xbole sebab akak vietnam tuh mandi malam2 je..xmandi eyt..tipon la fiza..nk adiah besday sop uk...huhu..
sape nk layan saye lg....sape nk dgr saye cite pasal papa lupe carikkan doctor hot kt saye..
nizam..huwa....bagi adiah!!!besday saye xwish pon..xgune!!!ciss...
serap....da sampai russia trus beli adiah aku!!!
qill2..xde org nk share minat berkerawang..huhu..
ajah..kak dayang..kak akma.....cik niesa.....fiza terpakse jd rajin n jadi budak baek..huhuhu..doakan...
firdaus amaran...sape mahu blanje saye nandos lg???
other address..nnt saye kirim kad raye..huhu...sayang korg..rindu korang....
jage walk....huwa....n incase korg lupe...o mmg da delete no no saye +60172995407..tata..titi...tutu.....
muah..muah..muah.....sedey...sbb xdpt blaja chemistry course is not related to chemistry anymore!!! rindu nk wat kire2 n guessing the nmr!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
im 20!!
huwa....da 20....
dulu ade list down 10 things to do before my teen turn to ty..
tp byk yg xpat wat..hahahhahahaha...
saye da ade no 2 kt umo saye..huhu.....
hm....tue kah saye?? ohohoho...
serap slh wish saye...
serap wish tym 19..huhu...
tp sbb tym tu saye bru bgn tido n tgh mamai..saye pon xprasan..bgn pg tuh baru thu yg serap call tym 19 aribulan...awal seari!!! ahahahahahaha......
klaka je...hohohoho..igt serap....saye nk adiah besday kapal perang yg cop rusia!! hahahaha.....
umo baru...stat azam baru... attitude baru..jd ayu...ahahahahah......xmungkin......
saye di unim!!!!!
saye da kt notts msia da..o name glam die unim...
klas stat isnin nyh..tym ramai rkn2 kpm saye fly..uhuhuhuhu..
sowie juta2 xpat anta korg....
sbb ari slase tuh klas stat kul 9 pai kul 5...
stop lunch kul 1 pai 2 je..
pnat kn...
pnat gile jd bdk science nyh..lab work la...coursework yg kne anta la.. assignment la....
bdk bisnes relax je..ciss..... huwa........
saye dok kt banglo.....hohohoho....
patutnye ade 14 org tp bru msk nyh ade 5 je..masuk saye...
bilik saye shared ensuit bathroom..
bilik ok la...besso..ade econ yg saye sorokkan remote die sbb nnt kne bayar lebih..haha...
felda kne la jimat...
pastuh..sbbkn banglo nyh furniture die sume dlm plastic g..huhuh..
katil i baru occay...
xmcm kt college ade bunyi2 bie nek atas katil...
gamba xde g..xbwk camera..nnt la tunjuk kt korg...
bathroom kne share 2 org la...
aritue best je xde org masok next door...skali tuh smalam ade minah vietnam nyh masok plak kt bilik seblah tuh...
baru je plan nk transfer brg2 kt situ..huhuhuhu...
kt rumah saye yg beso tuh..ade sorg fr botswana, 2 org fr vietnam, 2 org melayu..saye ngan fadz... patutnye ade xpnah kuar pon..pintu bilik pon xpnah bukak..huhu...
kakak vietnam tuh 3rd year, yg botswana tuh amek die iglee..kot...hahaha.. saye xtaw la nk eje name die..aritu tym cakap pon xfhm sgt...huhuhu..anggap btol je la... iglee nyh rajin gile masak...kawan2 die slalu dttg rumah..makan free...xgune tol..haha....
mule2 sampai saye tension gile nk mati....
da la xknal sape2.. pastuh plak kt banglo tuh tym saye register ade saye, iglee ngan emerose, kakak vietnam tuh..da la diorg kurung diri dlm bilik tuh...saye nek gile taw...kuar bilik sume senyap je...
xde bunyi lansung..
cam ddk rumah sorg2 je..huwa..
trus saye homesick..nanges juta2..huwa..... da la acap,afiq,malina duk jauh gile...sbb kitorg off campus..nk g berpoye2 bersame2 pon
tp skang malina da ddk smalam sbb fadz blk rumah so saye pon berpoye2 la kt rumah malina..huhuhuhu....
aritu kn...
saye g jln2 kt library..
pastuh jupe la dis stylo twins fr kazakhstan..nurghul ngan adik die ighul..
diorg ckp ade iftar kt surau...
so saye pon dgn pnoh rase bekobar2 pon plan ar ngan fadz nk g surau mlm tuh..huhu...
dgn satu niat utame..
nk makan free..
so xyah masak..ahahahaha...
sbb kitorg dok kt off campus..
kne la jln lebey kurg 1km ar..
dlm 15 minit jugak ar jln nk g surau tuh sbb surau ade kt halls...jauh gile dgn rumah kitorg..
tanpe rase jemu..saye ngan fadz pion menjalankan misi dgn sempurne...letey xyah cite ar...kurus la
sampai2 je ke surau...saye tgk ade kurma
kitorg pon da bekire2 nk blk la..ahahahahahha....
pastu tetibe je ade org bwk airla..
pastuh ais la...wa...semangat naek kembali..hahaha....
pastuh ade abg nyh bawak nasik arab dlm talam..hoooraaayyyyyy.... makan free menjadi kenyataan...
ahahahahahahahaha.... kitorg bukan makan je occay...kami bersosial jugak occay....
kt surau tu jupe kakak muscom ky batch die kak saida..bukan saida okla maklum...
bestla..da lame xmkn talam...pastuh pat jupe ramai muslim plak tuh...kt sini nk tgk muke melayu ssh gak ar..
sebab ramai da celup..huhuhu.....
yg muslim lg la...klu xpakai hijab tuh..ssh nk taw die muslim ke x...
yg guy lg la....huhuhu..
yg sedey nye kt surau tuh org melayu mmg xramai dtg ar..yg ramai pon african la...ngan pakistan..saudi arabia best la...dpt jupe ramai muslim yg international..
yg plg penting kne highlight kat sini.... imam Palestine ittew sgt hot occay.....
azan pon sedap....bace quran pon lg la...
saye suda jatuh chenta!!!!!!! wahahahahahaha.......
siyes..ensem gile...ahahahha...mmg asben type la...hahaha.....
tp klu berjaye ngorat pon..which is xmungkin...huhu..
sure ayah saye xbg....sbb nnt imam palestine yg hot ittew mempunyai probability yg sahangat tihinggi huntuk blk berjihad kat palestine....uhuhuhuhuhuhu.....
kla...saye xbley slalu online la..sbb kt rumah xde hentenet...klu pasang kne bayo sendiri la..da la felda kedekut haji bakhil punye nenek....ciput je diorg bg..da la allowance xmasok g..ciss....
kami nk bli buku occay cik felda!!!!
later saye sambung..esok ke..huhu..xde keje nyh..nnt saye upload gamba bg korg tengok ek...esp gamba rumah nagn bilik saye yg berharge 480 sebulan..berbaloi la...
tp punye la beso..29 plak tuh...skali macam nk mati saye carik channel..rupenye xde antenna...asbestos sungguh....huhu..xpat saye nk tengok cite kekasih ku seram...huwa.......
p/s saye rindu nk blk......
Monday, September 15, 2008
new life begins tomorrow!!!
its about tomorrow!!!
xtaw nk ck pe...
tp 2 minggu nyh saye akan berpisah misah dgn hencik lap toppy yg kushentai...
lap toppy akan ke kedai utk buangkan virus2 chenta..
saye rindu kamu!!!
nway, nk ckp...
patutnye saye fly esok!!!
tp ....
rezeki saye di sini..
senang je nk type..
sedap je bunyi...
utk mendapat kekuatan nk meluahkan 5 mende tuh..rase berat sgt.....
mungkin saye masih blom cukup memahami konsep tawakkal...
mari adik...
wake up...
forget the past...
its over...
masih ade semangat nk study kt uk....
semangat tu saye nk jd kn harapan untuk go on...
mesti dpt A+ tiap2 test!!!
berusehe adik!!!!
tawakkal seperti tawakkal mayat terhadap org yg memandikannye..kakak garnet ckp...
so fiza....
mari berusehe utk esok...
nawaitu baru....
harapan baru...
azam baru...
plan baru...
fiza yg baru!!!!
babai rakan2...
maaf xpat anta korg fly...
saye shentakan korg...
rindukan rkn2....
mari doakan kejayaan bersame...
saye mahu menggode felda semule!!!!!!
akhirat sentiase mendahului tiap bait2 doa kite....
saye akhiri hidup 3 bulan yg lame nyh....
esok yg baru...
tanpe kenangan lame...
xmau igt..
tp masih berharap...
Allah tidak pernah melupekan hambaNya...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
tomorrow!!!!!! felda dulu kini dan selamenye
my rum is completely a mess!!!!!
da xbley nk jln pon dlm bilik nyh!!!!
tgh packing brg2 4 tomorrow...
akan ke notts tanpe perlu wat visa!!!!!ahahahahha...
saye rase cam nk wat kage bushin no jutsu je....
so bley ade ramai saye..
make cepat la brg2 saye di pack....
mari tolong saye!!!!
kakashi sensei!!!!!!
felda mmg x serik2!!!!!
aritu kitorg da inform psl financial afidavit....xtaw eja..
diorg ckp dgn banggenye akan kuarkan FA tuh bile bg da bg surat n sign contract baru..
masalahnye pn naemah....
esok saye nk register....
satu surat pon saye xdpt....
xkan sesuke ati tok ngah saye je pegi notts...
pastuh ckp..
-hencik..saye nk masok sini...
-felda sponsor saye...
-felda cakap xyah wat pape.....
-hello!!! felda sponsor i occay... hencik hengat felda tuh meskin xbley bayo 33k per year????
perlu ke saye ckp cenggini???
macam la satu uni tu tawu saye nyh felda yg sponsor...
nnt ape2 tah jadi..
macam iwan, nora ngan boon...
sian mereke...
mereke sponsor felda kat kmb..
register ari nyh..
dgn sesuke ati mereke tanpe ape surat murat felda pon mereke nk register..
tawu2 je xbley register lansung....
pastuh call pn naemah ku sayang
kne marah.... n diorg kne tunggu pai pn naemah dtg lepas zohor...
siian mereke...
pade siape arus disalahkan...
kerane kami da inform awal2...
tp pihak sponsor yg dishentai ini xmau dgr kate2 kami....
mara xgune surat pape pon...
suda la...
bdk2 mara pon xley register...
ha...sape nk bertanggungjawab?? ha..jawab..jawab...
pengurusan felda ttp cam dulu....
da la xde black n white...
contract pon due tige kerat je...
saye bengang...
nasib bek saye ngan acap daftar esok...
klu x....
huh..baru je plan nk call pn ku sayang arini....
eyh...xbley call....
ngamuk die nnt...huhuhuhu....
nk sambung packing...
banyak ooo.....
mood malas nk layan felda....
beginilah felda...
management trok...
akhirnye kitorg yg merane....
jgn biarkan keturunan anda di sponsor felda..
sponsor overc xpe..kt sini jgn...merane..
felda..dulu kini dan selamenye management trok...
kakak garnet..EPI BESDAY!!!!!
epi burpday!!!!
da tue.....
xsempat bli adiah...
da kering...
bli brg byk
da tue da anda...
da bley undi..
da bley kawen...
Monday, September 8, 2008 i come!!
slepas anta 5 email kat dean, admission office, lecturer dan sebagainye...
barula saye dpt offer uni.. itupon via email...
tok ngah tol....
wat keje lambat2...
accomodation da bayar...
dapat rumah yg kne masak sendiri...
kembali tinggal dlm hutan..
kali nyh hutan semenyih plak...
azam baru...
stusy rerajin secare infiniti bg menggode felda nk tuka loan jd scholarship....
start dgn chess smule....
saye akan masuk sume open tournament pai dapat rank!!!!
hu..... i come....
ke hutan 16/9...
rakan2... maaf saye xpat anta fly...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
kekasih ku seram, virus2 cinta dan lap top
rase mahu korek2 je lap top nyh...
banyak gile virus2 cinta die..
saye da letak seblah lampu garam kristal utk memulihkan aura hencik laptop nyh pon x elok2 jugak..
bru je aritu g format..banyak kali format matila laptop saye..huwa...
tetibe je dlm nyh ade antivirus 2009..
tok nek tapir cipan paye tol...
da la nk tengok blog sendiri xbley...
nk tengok blog rakan2 pon sume xleh..
mahu campak laptop ini....
kuang ajo pnye virus...suke ati tok nek die je masok sini..
da tu nk bkak gmail pon xbley...
saman bru taw...
kerane kesilapan saye yg xpat bezekan plastik tepung pulut dan tepung beras..
make xpat la kuih swimming hippo atau name zaman kurun ke 18 ketika zaman kegemilangan melayu melake, kuih badak berendam... dibuat smalam...nsb bek xletak badak bersiram..
nnt nk mkn kuih tuh kne hidang kt kolam air pancut..pastuh santan die kne siram je badak2 tuh..uhuuhhuhuh..leceh..leceh... siaran tertunde..
arini le saye ngan ibu masak kuih badak berendam..
yay kembali...
tu la saye..lenkali tym nk bli tepong kne bukak mate..bace...
pulut ngan beras kn jauh gile
smalam tgk kekasih ku seru..
yg patut tuka title jd kekasih ku seram..
scary gile kot..
hantu die punye la seram...
da la saye tgk sensorg..
padam lampu plak tuh..
volume bkak 5 je..uhuhuhuh..
itupon da takot gak..
nsb bek skang bulan pose..
tp yg plg scary adelah cik lela..
tgk muke ngan gaye ckp je da semacam..
cam xbtol je..uhuhuhu...
tym hantu kt stesen bas lame tu lg la..huwa...klu saye..da lame pengsan..ahahhaha..
arini kne tepon org accomodation notts..
mtak lambat sket bayo sbb saye xpat offer letter g..
peh tuh tipon cik sity plak..
tanye psl status..
saye nk jait manik kt baju satu lagi...
pastuh saye nk jahit beg..
wat beg g klas..hehehehe...
pehtu saye kne kemas rumah skang..
saye windu kan wan, kim, sora, syara....
yg slalu wat saye senyum dan membuli mereke...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
badak,notts,baju raye..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
yg saye rindui...
Monday, September 1, 2008
ramadhan,merdeka dan 5 ribu..
ramadhan da dtg..
bukan hencik yg bername ramadhan..saye xknal pon sape2 name ramadhan..syawal ade la...
tp hencik2 yg name die name bulan islam nyh untung sbb mak ayah diorg xletak name disember ke..febuari ke..ogos ke..uhuhuhuhu..
selamat juge bagi en. ramadhan sbb mak ayah mereke xbg name Puase bin Ahmad ke..Raye bin Ali ke.. uhuhuhuhuhu.....
lame xtls blog..sbb saye kt ampang...
g berpoye2 dgn ibu kat rumah abg..sambut merdeka ngan 1st pose kat sane..
plek gile sbb taun nyh 1st pose ibu xwat lemang ngan rendan..pehtu xde org kt rumah..
abg2 ngan kakak saye sume keje...boring toll...
klu x, tym 1st pose sure bisin
pastuh tambahan sore saye yg marah mereke..ahahahaha.....
anak2 abg2 saye nyh mmg anti dgn saye..saye bukanlah acu kesayangan sape2....maleh nk layan mereke..nnt diorg lg ngade..sket2 nak nanges..peh tu men pukul2..acu blasah baru taw- tag line saye..uhuhuhu..mereke takoot pade saye..ahahaha..padan muke..
anak along saye- abg azim ngan kak alia
ade lg...
ok la..arituh..saye jalan sakan ngan bukan g pasaraye sakan kt bahau...uhuhuhu
dr klcc pehtu g sogo..dlm satu ari bershopping moping!!!
nk match dgn baju punye pasal...menderite mite saye!!!rakan2..sile jgn tiru aksi ini...
uhuhu..siyes rase nk putus kaki nyh...make...saye pon membeli kasut baru..uhuhuhuhu...yay!!kesakitan membawe keshoppingan!!!kasut baru..huhu...trick yg patut rakan2 tiru..huhu..
blk rumah trus sapu minyak urut...urut-urut kaki yg nk putus..
ade katak beso kuku ibu jari kaki..ade tarantula yg tgh wat web..
ade katok yg besa tapak tangan..korg ukurla beso mane...beso gile..saye tgk po bg mereke yg makan encik katok tuh sure ckp- emm..sedap hingge menjilat ibu jari kaki katok!!
saye len la ckp cengitu..
ikan arowana beso gile nk mati!!wat kenduri pon cukup...besa gile..besa cam bapak kambing yg wat korban..kambing msia ek..bukan kambing gurun...bukan juge kambing biri2..beso kambing yg bunyi die mbek..mbek...bkn kambing yg bunyi die baa..baa...huhuuhuhu..
tah mane tah diorg curik ikan2 tuh..ade ke ikan beso tuh kt msia??tah2 kt amazon..
hah...ade piranha gak..muke da la xlawa..gigi die tajam2 lak..
peh tu ade ikaan keli..beso nk mati gak..misai die pon panjang..lg panjang dr misai atau janggut pembesar2 cine zaman dolu2...
yg besnye..saye dok seblah encik yg tgh bg makan kt baby shark ngan baby ikan pari..
ade ke best2 saye letak tgn kt tepi tuh tetibe je en ikan pari tuh lompat...geli taw...da la bau air die busuk..siap kne kt baju saye g..ciss punye ikan..
pehtuh dpt tgk en yg selam2 bg makan kt ikan jerung ..uhuhuhu....agak beso ar cik shark tuh..cik pari2 pon sgt la beso..skali lalu atas pale je..fuh...sparuh aquarium tuh badan die je..subhanallah...
saye sgt la kagum...huwa......
tp saye plg suke tgk cik penyu.... tp tula.. badak xde..sedey....huhu..
lawa...macam senyum rase la...ahahahaahaha...
kesimpulannye bestla..xrugi pg aquaria..seblum korg fly o nk g memane..gla aquaria dulu..
nk tunggu g hawaii nyelam tengok shark ngan penyu tah bile..silap2 kne telan oleh mereke..uhuhu..percutian yg jimat..tanpe perlu kne telan mahupun mencemari mate melihat mereke2..hehehehe...
owh,tym rayau kt klcc teringat plak pade satu ari dulu bile saye berpoye2 dgn lawi dan serap.. rindu mereke...serap..bile nk blanje lg???lawi..bile nk berpoye2 lg??
en. serap akan ke russia...Alhamdullillah...rezeki serap kt russia..nnt bwk pingu blk ye serap...
hu....babai serap!!!!jgn lupe adiah besday aku...nk yg ade cop made in russia..
kapal perang pon xpe...soyuz ke...kapal selam ke...ahahahahha...
cik wan call saye pai abes kredit arituh...uhhuhuhu..sayang wan juta2....
owh..saye rindu pade rkn2..sowie xpat anta korg...
saye ttp shentakan rakan2..
biase je..xcelebrate pon..selebrate dgn kepenatan..ibu ajak shopping lg...pnat sgt...
papepon yg penting..
saye nk masok peraduan merdeka kt brite harian tuh..uhhuhuhuhu..
mahu menang 5 ribu!!! korg xyah masok...biar saye je menang..ahahahahah...
saye mahu 5 ribu!!!!